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Thursday, November 10, 2011


111111 - Today is the day. Everybody catching for this date. Today, there will be many weddings / engagements just to have dat 111111 as a memorable date. Same goes to my neighbour's SIL. She will be engage and her SIL (Ella) ordered a set of hantaran cuppies (fondant) with black/white theme. She asked me to do the decoration for the box as well + 60 pcs of chicken pie and one dozen of  'saje-saje' cupcakes for them to eat. Black & white theme, but I added little bit of red to make it more dramatic.

Aisyah + Zulfahmi

M size fondant cuppies

In the hantaran box

B/W + silver

Chicken pie - Ella and her family are my regular customer for this order :)

Wanna to try? :)

'Saje-saje' cuppies :)

THANK YOU, ELLA for the orders! Have a safe journey to Kuantan :)